April 16, 2022

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A Goldenrod Easter Brunch

I remember looking through a scrapbook of my mothers’ with very old news clippings of poems and seeing one over a 100 years old called, “Time of the Goldenrod”. I remember wondering what life would have been like for that person writing that. Without so much of the Industrialization, computers and 24/7 news and information.

Probably in a rural farm community where the country roadside was filled with this bright yellow sea of Goldenrod flowers that people say grows like a weed.

So when I saw this recipe, I took notice and when I saw it was from 1896 in Fannie Farmers Boston Cooking School Cookbook, I thought well that also reminds me of my grandma that was born that year.

It features boiled eggs with the whites chopped and placed on toast, topped with a peppered-ceam-sauce and then topped with the yolks put through a fine grate, that resembles the tiny flowered cluster on a Goldenrod plant.

Eggs Ala Goldenrod is a great way to use up your eggs after the hunt !, Add your own touches like fresh asparagus.


Go here to read about the history of Eggs ala Goldenrod and recipes.

Just some ideas for other egg and toast meals

scramble eggs with smoked salmon.

This is an eggs benedict with a skillet hash in place of the Canadian bacon



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