another great  Kitchen Project   |  Recipes from a German Grandma



6 pork belly strips
( You can substitute bacon or salt pork ) chopped about 1 cup

1 small onion chopped about 1 cup

2 lbs potatoes peeled and cut in rough slices.

1 /2 cup milk




1. Boil the potatoes until tender. Drain and hold in the pot on the stove with heat turned off.

2.While potatoes are boiling fry the chopped pork belly strips i n a large skillet until all the pink is gone, and a bit crispy.

3. Add the onions and cook until tender.

4. Add the onion, pork mixture to the potatoes and mash with the milk.

Serve with Roast, Liver or Bratwurst.



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Last updated March 26, 2009