
Served with sauerkraut and pork
knuckles, this is a traditional Berlin
dish and a great favorite in northern
Germany generally. In place of the meat
stock, you may cook the peas with smoked or salted pork knuckles or ribs, cut into neat pieces and added to the peas with 2 cups of water. The meat may then be served with the pureed peas.

2 cups dried green or yellow peas
2 cups meat stock
salt and pepper
dried marjoram leaves (optional)
4 Tbsp. butter
2 onions, chopped

Place the peas in a pan with 5 cups of
water. Cook until most of the water has
been absorbed and the peas are swollen
but still whole. Add the stock and
continue to cook until the peas are tender.

Drain the peas; pass them through a
sieve, and season the puree with salt,
pepper and marjoram. Stir in half of the butter. Keep the puree warm. Brown the onions in the remaining butter and pour them over the pureed peas. Serves 6.

Kochbuch Der Buchergilde
