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Mustard PIckles

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5        kg    Gurken (vorbereitet gewogen ) (4.5 lbs cucumbers)
200    g       Salz salt ............3/4 Cup Salt
250    g       Perlzwiebeln .......1/2 lb. ... pearl onions
15-         Pfefferkörner ....... pepper corns
10              Gewürzkörner ........... allspice
100   g        gelbe Senfkörner ....1/2 Cup... yellow mustard seed
 3-5 Lorbeerblätter ........ bay leaf
1 ½   liter          Weinessig ....1 1/2 liter.... wine vinegar
1       liter       Wasser ......1 quart .
500-600 g Zucker ............ 2 cups sugar


Use only big ripe yellow, but still firm cucumbers. Peel and cut lengthwise, and with a spoon scrape out all seeds.

Cut in strips or chunks and layer them with the salt in a glass or porcelain dish. Leave them sit for 12-24 hours, and then strain them in a sieve, and carefully dry all chunks, again layer them with the onions and herbs and spices in a large glazed ceramic pot or individual mason (canning) jars.

Bring vinegar, water and sugar to a boil on med. heat and pour over the cucumber chunks. After they have cooled cover each glass with wax-paper or Saran wrap.

After about 4 weeks you'll have delicious Senfgurken


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Last updated July 28, 2005