Links to German heritage resources

German Word of the Day

Our Heritage Cookbook

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This is the place for people who don't feel they have enough time to learn German.

One of the simplest ways to learn to Speak German is to subscribe to this Free German Word of the Day newsletter that comes into your email box daily with one word. They use it in a sentence and you can hear the word as well. This service is provided by

Do you have a German word you want to know the meaning of?
Here is my favorite site to find the meaning of a certain German Word or a short phrase. It is called

German Language Learning Library
Here is a site that a German student alerted me to,
that the basics are broken down;
Basic grammar
(how a sentence is constructed)
Basic common nouns, and phrases
How to count in German

German Geneology, Names and Culture

Dictionary of German Names

German-American Names 2nd Edition

German-English Genealogical Dictionary


This translates a whole page, paragraph or phrases of German to English or English to German or other languages as well.

German-English Dictionary
This one is my favorite. Just type in the word, English or German and the German or English translation will come up.

Translation Services
A good translation makes all the difference. specializes in German translations that get your meaning across.  Translation of websites, power point presentations, German genealogy documents and more.

Learn German Language

German for Travelers
Common phrases you might use if you were traveling to Germany

Google Translator
click on the German Flag


Key Stokes for Umlauts


Key Strokes for Umlauts

ALT+142  = Ä

ALT+132 = ä

ALT+153 = Ö

ALT+148 = ö

ALT+154 = Ü

ALT+129 = ü

ALT+137= ë

ALT+139 = ï

 ALT+152 = ÿ


The double s letter,

ALT+225 = ß

Links and Resources

Free Translation Tools

Donated by my friend Richard Markel. This is one of the best translators on the net. Will translate a word, phrase or paragraph for you from one language to another.

German Pronunciation tools

This page has some basic German word pronunciations for,

Greetings & Farewells
Days & Months
At the Restaurant
At the Baker's
At the Butcher's

Keystrokes for Umlauts

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Last updated August 11, 2014