Whole Grain Spaetzle

(Spaetzle made with whole wheat flour)

1 large gallon soup pot or Dutch oven

4 eggs (or more)
½ egg-shell of water for each egg used. This is about 1/4 cup
Enough Whole Wheat or White Whole Wheat flour to make a thick batter, about 1- 1/2 cups. The White Whole Wheat flour makes a lighter spaetzle , it is still whole grain.

A pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg

For the crumb topping:
1/ 2 stick of butter 4 tablespoons
1/3 cup bread or cracker crumbs

Start a Pan of Boiling Water
about 4 quarts add 1/2 teaspoon salt


1. Crack the eggs into the mixing bowl. fill half of 2 egg shells with water and add. This is the way my grandma did it. Instead you can add 1/4 cup of water also. Get your water on the stove to heatYou can also do this by hand in a mixing bowl with a spoon and elbow grease.

2. Add the salt and nutmeg and slowly add flour and continue to mixtill you have a stiff batter but not a dough. It will start to leavesome ripples in the dough. This means it is developing some gluten. The dough should be a lot thicker than pancake batter but not as much as bread dough. let the dough sit a few minutes.

3. With your Spaetzle tool push through small amounts of dough into boiling water.

4. Continue to push the dough into the boiling water, scraping the bottome of the Spaetzle tool if it is sticking and not dropping off.

5. The Spaetzle are all into the water now, I will let them boil for about 20 minutes.

6. Drain the Spaetzle and rinse, there is usually some starchy stuff that is better off.

7. Melt the butter in a large frying pan and brown the cracker crumbs in the butter. Then add the Spaetzle and toss and heat.

These go perfect with all kinds of roasts.